The Greater Boca Raton Beach & Park District started a process to create a Master Plan for the formerly known Ocean Breeze property. The purpose of the Master Plan was to determine the need for future site improvements, facilities, uses, programs, operations, maintenance, and funding opportunities. Through the Master Plan and public outreach, recommendations were developed to assist the District in moving forward with improved recreational services on the site. Please find past events and corresponding documentation under the PREVIOUS EVENTS section.
The initial design phase of the project is underway on the eastern linear portion of the four quadrants for the areas named The Hills and The Trails. Design efforts and coordination with the City of Boca and the Greater Boca Raton Beach and Parks District are ongoing.
The Greater Boca Raton Beach & Park District worked with the multi-disciplinary firm Miller Legg to conduct the Ocean Breeze Master Plan. Miller Legg assembled a team of experts consisting of sub-consultant firms RRC Associates, Terracon Consultants, and True Club Solutions that worked with District staff to understand the community needs and create recommendations that would help support the site’s success.
Miller Legg team is currently working on the initial design phase alongside sub-consultant firms Perimeter Surveying and Mapping, Terracon Consultants, PGAL Architects, SGM Engineering, and sustainability consultants Spinnaker Group.



Preliminary Master Plan Presentation
October 03, 2022
Preliminary Master Plan Presentation PDF
Concept Master Plan Workshop #2
June 15, 2022
Concept Master Plan Workshop #2 Video:
Program Development Commission Meeting
April 19, 2022
Program Development Commission Meeting Presentation
Visioning Workshop #1
February 9, 2022
Visioning Workshop Video: